Monday, June 18, 2012

It was an achy weekend. For some reason I felt about 80 years old all weekend. Got my nails done on Saturday, did some shopping and then went home. Unpacked, straightened the kitchen and then tried to take a nap to see if I felt better. Couldn't sleep. Saturday night I was up until about 2:30 am because I couldn't sleep and then woke every hour. Didn't go anywhere at all Sunday..... never left the house and got very little accomplished. Tried a nap in the afternoon, but to no avail. Tried to sleep last night with the same problem! Geez!!!! So my eyes are a little droopy today. This can't be because of my trip. I didn't have a time change and it wasn't too stressful. The only stress part was my kids..... but what else is new. I don't figure much will change in that area.

Lowered my steroids this weekend and maybe that is the reason for the aches. I am just going to smile and keep plugging along!

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